Picture it: free from class, didn’t have to see the awful kids I babysit, eating a nice pesto pasta for lunch on a subtle hill with a great amount of shade and as I’m doing this all I’m with my love Starbucks (boyfriend not drink) at the same time.
So we are both sitting and judging and watching all the people go by. We see the mommies and daddies and of course nannies walking with their children laughing and smiling and eating ice cream. We had a nice spot right in front of the dirty water hot dog/ ice cream stand, so we saw people purchase all the hot dogs, pretzels, drinks, and ice cream they can buy. We even saw some people having a “photoshoot.” We stared at the people walking their dogs and puppies.
All of a sudden I’m staring at all the people and I look and there’s a cat. Now I am not talking a stray cat with nasty fur and looks like he needed to be taken to the nearest shelter asap but a nice, well groomed, healthy cat. On a leash. Yes that’s right on a leash. For some reason no one paid the cat on a leash as much attention I did but I haven’t been that baffled in a long time.
The cat and the owner were both casually strolling like this was normal. Gorgeous day out so the cat has to go out. The cat was pretty normal, like cat normal. He didn’t pee or poop on bush or get feisty with anyone from what I saw.
I will call him Larry. He will be forever known as the Leashed Feline Larry.
I saw that exact man and cat! I followed them a bit and got this picture: http://media.tumblr.com/dfab19796e0e7ff62e81c2e18c6d335f/tumblr_inline_mkwh54zHqo1ryna2z.jpg
ReplyDeleteI swear to god, cats on leashes will forever be my favorite thing I have ever seen in this city. I'm glad you too got to appreciate it.