Wednesday, April 10, 2013


You know when you are walking down the street and based off the way people are dressed, you judge them. Everyone does this, I for sure do. 
I was on the train heading to Astoria when I looked over to my left and saw this girl sitting there by self wearing all black with pink hair. She was different. My first reaction was wow she's weird. She looked really punk rock emo. 
After fully judging her I realized that I shouldn't be judging her. I don't know her or anything about her. For all I know she could be the nicest person but just by the way she dressed I would approach someone that dresses like her. 
I don't know why I do this, I can't help it but I just naturally do it with out even realizing. Thinking about it, this is what everyone does. But why? We can't help ourselves we just naturally do it without thinking about who that person really is. We just judge with based off of what they look like, that is our decision factor to if we want to talk to them or not. It really pathetic to what our society has come to but  there is nothing we can do about it. The sad part about it is that most go out their lives only interacting with certain people based off their appearance and how they present themselves. People always say "don't judge a book by it's cover" but people always do. It's hard not to. 


  1. I agree with this post. I think that it is easy to judge someone but it takes a lot to realize that judging someone is ridiculous and gets you nowhere. I've definitely sat on the subway and judged people. Not even just for being weird but for their choice of shoes or something else superficial. I hate when I do this but like you, can't seem to stop myself. I think what does make me stop is thinking of what people could be saying about me. Also, I feel like the picture was necessary for this post but usually people can tell when someone is taking a picture of them.

  2. First of all, I agree. But I think it's funny that you're admiting on a blog about meeting New Yorkers that you're judging a book by its cover and not allowing yourself to approach people that look different. Everyone in New York looks different. I want to hear about the people you are meeting, not looking at and juding from a distance. We all do that!

