Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sassy Cycler

Alright, so this sassy cycler decided to be all sorts of sassy to us two nights ago. It was actually hilarious and we were all laughing afterwards, but the fact remains that he was sassy.

We were walking from a birthday dinner with our friend Lauren and this guy pulls up next to us. We were talking and laughing and being loud as we college kids do, and he was kind of listening into our conversation. He started flirting with our friend, Grace, saying that he liked her hair and complimenting her. We laughed because we were so shocked and then we just kept walking because it was just really uncomfortable. So then, this guy pulls up at the next stop light and started revving his engine whenever we'd start talking so we couldn't hear each other. We didn't really understand what was happening so our friend Victoria shouted out, "Are you having fun!?" and he started laughing. So then I started laughing, naturally, and he called me out on it. This just made me laugh harder but he kept prying, "what're you laughing at, kid? huh? what're you laughing at?" So eventually I just blurted out, "YOU!" and so then he started laughing as well and continued to rev his engine.

It got more awkward because we kept running into him at various different lights. It hit me randomly that this is the perfect blog post, so here we are! The sassy cycler drove away eventually and we laughed about it the entire way home.

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