Bus Time Serenity
Last week I had the misfortune of having to commute to FAO Schwarz to work right in the middle of my spring break. This meant waking up at the crack of dawn, catching a train, and booking it from 34th Street up to 59th and 5th to work. Needless to say I wasn't looking forward to it.
If I known how crazy the reality of the situation would've been I would have went to bed earlier. First of all the coffee I had that morning ran through me faster than ever so I was running to the nasty train bathroom and into random Starbucks streets to relieve myself. Then there was a spring break rush through FAO that was so overwhelming I wasn't ready for it. Especially on a random Wednesday?
Then after work I practically ran to Port Authority to catch my bus at 5:30 that was pulling away when I approached but stopped (kindly) to let me on. I was exhausted. The day was so much crazier than I had anticipated.
I couldn't find an empty seat for myself so I sat next to a woman I didn't know. Her face was as baren as mine and she looked defeated. We shared no words but had a non verbal agreement that we'd be sitting next to each other in silence because neither of us had the energy. I dozed off shortly after and woke up to find nearly every person on the bus past out. I had a moment of serenity at this point. I'm so accustomed to living a high paced life and don't give myself time to rest. These people lead similar, if not crazier, lives than I have and they were all happily snoozing away. It was kind of a reality check of how fast paced New York really is and the toll it takes on everyone around. I spent the rest of the bus ride awake creepily observing each person sleeping. The only people conscious on that bus were me and the driver, and it's a moment I won't soon forget.
(Pictures taken from Google, not from myself)
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