Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Remember Me NYC

It may come to a surprise to all of you guys, but prior to this class and the birth of this blog, I was not friends with Colin, Ambrina, and Natalie (my fellow bloggers). I knew of them, as the college is particularly small and faces are very familiar, but I had never really had a conversation with them. I figure what better way to end a wonderful class and a wonderful blog than to thank and appreciate the people who've gone with me on this crazy media filled journey.

It felt kind of natural from the start. I happened to sit where I sat, they happened to sit where they sat. It was apparent to me that they were all friends already but they had adopted me without any question. After the very first class I had an inclination that a friendship was forming.

By the end of this class (present) I now call these three good friends of mine. We go out together, text one another, and make it a point to talk to each other when we see one another in the hall ways, or at work. I believe I owe it to them to write a little blurb about each of them in particular.

Worst Picture Ever.
Colin and I worked together... kind of. We are both under the roof of FAO Schwarz but have two different positions with two separate sets of teams. He was the buzz of Freshman year as one of the few attractive straight guys on the "market" at the time, so I heard a lot of him, but knew very little. As I've said in previous posts (visit the post about Mitch) I was never prone to having a lot of guy friends. Throughout high school nobody wanted to be caught with the gay kid, and I was naturally brought up with my sister and my mother without much of a male figure. I don't trust guys for the most part and I feel threatened by them more than anything based off of some ugly bullying situations in my childhood. Colin, however, made a distinct difference in my point of view. He's not "afraid" of me or treats me any differently than any of his other guy friends. Throughout this class and outside of class, I've come to really respect him for his intelligence and his passion for what he does. He and I are similar in that we're really just kids at heart.

This picture is much cuter.
Ambrina I had probably the least amount of knowledge of coming into this class. I may have seen her face once or twice, but I didn't even know her name. I really figured she'd just be a girl who I saw in class but otherwise would be a stranger. However, I couldn't be more wrong. She ended up being one of the sweetest and most sincere women I've met in a long while. She was kind, compassionate, and friendly from the very start. After the second day of knowing her, she wasn't afraid to ask me questions about personal topics such as my sexuality. Even after the second day of knowing her, we had established a trust that I felt comfortable discussing intricate topics like that with her. I'm still amazed by how close her and I became as she was really the biggest stranger of the three of us to me. Now today, she's the one who's texting me and inviting me to parties and always wanting me to come out with them. Every time she offers I'm even more excited than before. I always know it's going to be a good time if Ambrina is involved in the party planning.

Technically we're both int his picture...
I don't even know where to begin with Natalie. I'll start by saying that we've had classes together before, but we never really gave each other more of a second glance. We each had our niche of friends in class that never crossed paths with each other. Then this class happened, and I learned what a fierce woman she is. I've never met someone so fearless in speaking their mind and saying exactly what they're feeling the moment they are feeling it. I admire her brutal honesty and spunk. She has a personality unlike any other I've seen at Marymount. With her bold attitude, you can tell she's the kind of girl to get what she wants and doesn't take no for an answer. She and I got to the level where I felt cool enough to talk to her about my boy drama, and she in return let me into her love story between her and her boyfriend, Starbucks. We've definitely developed a relationship that I won't soon forget.

It's been a really fun ride, and even writing this final blog post I'm feeling kind of emotional. I never expected to develop any real friendships out of my classes this semester, but this time around I feel like I have. I'm not planning on losing touch with these guys any time soon after this class. Although we all have different plans for the summertime, I eagerly await fall semester where we can all reconvine again and continue to grow as friends. I'm really happy to have met these guys. It's definitely been an NYC Experience.

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