Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My Good Deed

             My mornings usually consist of me going back to my house in the morning looking a hot mess because I usually do not sleep in my own bed, because I sleep at my friends or boyfriends house and don’t bring an extra set of clothes to sleep in or even pajamas to sleep in. So on this particular day I was coming from my boyfriend’s house all the way in the Bronx. Since he lives in the Bronx I have to get there via MTA. Do you understand how miserable, embarrassing, and unattractive it is to ride the train looking like a dirty raccoon if not someone who clearly had the night before? Yeah, it is not a nice image.
             So I am standing and being hideous at 9:00AM when the 125th Street stop pulled up and for some reason that is the most popular stop on the downtown train at the hour. All of a sudden- there are seats! I’m not sure if you know the feeling but after standing in the same spot, same position for 20 minutes straight having an open seat is the next best thing to an orgasm. Thus, I take my seat.
             So as I’m sitting after all these people clear out ,more people come in but there was this one lady in particular who “needed” a seat. I heard this lady screaming and moaning about her feet. So she gets on and she did not look like a “clean” woman; she her clothes were dirty and she had holes in her clothes. And her hair looked dirty as well. Despite of what she was wearing she had a cane that looked a little broken and bad posture so it was understandable why she did not have good posture. Also, she was not the smallest sized woman if you catch my drift.
             Anyways, this woman steps on the train yelling how she needs a seat because her feet hurt so bad. Even though she was screaming of how much pain she is in, I did not give up my seat. No it was not because I’m rude and insensitive but because if I gave up my seat there would have been no room for someone of her size if I did give up my seat. Thus, I am not a bad person. Luckily for this person who had “bad feet” someone gave up there seat. This nice and older lady gave up her seat for this woman so there was enough space for someone of her size to sit down comfortably. After seeing that I felt bad because it was clear that someone needed a seat and it seemed as if I was too selfish to give up my seat.
             So after I saw that I felt inclined to give the older lady my seat cause she was old and her body size was appropriate for the space that would have been available once I have gotten up. 

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