Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Quelle Colour?

I was working at FAO Schwarz the other day and I was tossing Myachis with a pair of French kids who were awesome. We were having an honest-to-goodness great time. So much fun, in fact, that the kids' father joined in on the fun. So there we were, some fantastic French-speaking fellows and myself throwing bean bags around the world's greatest toy store.

These kids were good. Really good. They were nailing all kinds of tricks - and considering I was unable to instruct them via english it was rewarding to see them learning from my demonstrations. There were smiles all around and I felt bliss at the supremely positive environment I was a part of.

That's when disaster struck.

The father ran off and the kids took on a distressed look. I was confused, the fun had ended abruptly. The father was darting around and circled back to me and said,

"My girl. Little girl. Gone."

It then occurred to me that there had been a little sister with them before, and now there was not. In this emergency situation I scoured my brain for the remnants of my high school French teachings to try to help. I pointed to my shirt and asked, "quelle colour?" (What color?)

The father answered, "bleu!" And we both went into search mode. Luckily the girl was found just around the corner. I was notified by the father screaming, "it's ok!" And giving me a full-arm thumbs up.

I was relieved. These people had become my friends.

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