This past weekend I went to a party in Brooklyn, it was my friends place that I have been to before so before going I was so excited to go to this party. We got there around 11, the usual party time, and as we walked in I noticed that so many people were there. Immediately excitement just rushed through my body!
I was having so much fun! All of my friends were there and everyone was drunk and having a good time! All of a sudden this 40 year old bald short buff man walks in the apartment and starts screaming"GET THE FUCK OUT!" He turned off the music and started screaming again. Now as a grown man he should have known that if you not the police, drunk college kids aren't going to listen to you. It's just a known fact. So naturally we all just stood there and stared at him really not knowing exactly what to do. Meanwhile the host of the party, Austin, kept telling us to stay yet this old fart kept screaming at us telling us to go. We were confused.
Since no one was moving the old fart then threatened he was going to call the police and as soon as he said that half of that party stormed out, mainly because we are all underage and none of us wanted to get arrested. It was more of the "randoms" that ran out all of the people who were actually friends with Austin stayed but not for much longer.
This guy was so determined to get us out that he literally walked to where we were all standing and started screaming right in our faces to get out. It was really scary. He then started yelling at a group of guys and got so pissed at them for not moving that stormed away from them in doing so he pushed my roommate, Anna. She was furious and really scared that a grown man pushed her. At that point I knew the best thing for us to do was to just leave.
We left appalled at this man for handling the situation the way he did. I personally have never been in a situation like that before nor do I ever want to be again.
Who invited that guy?! But really? Who was this balding man? I need to know if I should lock the doors if there is a deranged balding party pooper lurking around Brooklyn.